Learn the Alphabet with Babushka!

In this video Babushka will help you to learn the Alphabet in less then 2 mins, She is a great teacher as we can see A = 0:00​ (Ah Sh*.. ) B = 0:05 (Bheckman?) C = 0:10​ (Click the link!) D = 0:15​ (D.. Freddy!) E = 0:21​ (EE) F = 0:27 (Feg Off) G = 0:30​ (Gobi) H = 0:34​ (How?) I = 0:38 (I Like Ya ) J = 0:41 ​ (Ja Ja) K = 0:47​ (Knit Nae Nae) L = 0:52​ (Let’s Play!!) M = 0:57​ (My God...) N = 1:02 (Nintendo) O = 1:05​ (Okay) P = 1:11​ (Polizai!) Q = 1:15​ (QQQ?) R = 1:18​ (RadÆl ) S = 1:21​ (Shadap B...) T = 1:24​ (Tupac!?) U = 1:28​ (U Picked Wrong House!) V = 1:31​ (Vacuum) W = 1:35 (Why Are You Screaming?) X = 1:39 (??) Y = 1:42 (Yees!) Z = 1:45​ (?Zero?) #gta​​ #GtaSanAndreas​​ #SanAndreas​ ►Subscribe for More GTA S ► Клуб игроков Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
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