ICYMI: Christopher Wray was COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE and OUT OF LINE to question if President Trump was hit by a bullet. All thi
ICYMI: Christopher Wray was COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE and OUT OF LINE to question if President Trump was hit by a bullet. All this rhetoric does is feed the fire of ASSASSINATION DENIERS and IDIOTS like Joy Reid and Keith Olbermann!!
I examined the bullet wound hours after he was shot. It was ABSOLUTELY a bullet wound with ALL the hallmark signs that accompany a wound from a high-powered rifle. Not to mention, we ALL SAW IT with our own eyes!!
It’s because of IDIOTIC and POLITICALLY MOTIVATED statements like this, that we don’t have ANY confidence in the supposed #1 law enforcement agency in this country. We CAN’T TRUST THEM to run this investigation into the assassination attempt!!
- Rep Ronny Jackson
Source: We The Media