Soccer Player Tracking, Re-ID, Camera Calibration and Action Spotting - SoccerNet Challenges 2022

In this video, we present our new SoccerNet Challenges for CVPR 2022! We introduce the three tasks of Calibration, Re-identification and Tracking on soccer games, in partnership with EVS Broadcast Equipment, SportRadar and Baidu Research. We also reiterate our previous Action Spotting and Replay Grounding Challenges at the ActivityNet workshop. Good luck fighting for the throne! 00:00​​ Introduction 00:26 Camera Calibration challenge 03:30​​ Re-Identification challenge 05:46​​ SoccerNet-v3 paper 06:26 Action Spotting and Replay Grounding challenges 08:44 Tracking challenge 10:46 Conclusion Make sure to join our SoccerNet community on Discord: ​​​ Link to our website: ​​​ Link to our SoccerNet-v3 paper: coming soon, stay tuned! Calibration Challenge Link to the repository: Spo
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