Лучший танк в мире - Израильский Merkava Mark IV Tank • מרכבה 4

• Music: Mark Petrie - Lethal Eloquence • Social network: YouTube VK Public “Military videos“ • The Mark IV is the most recent upgrade of the Merkava tank and is a 4th generation main battle tank that has been in development since 1999. The upgrade’s development was announced in an October 1999 edition of the Bamachaneh (“At the Camp“) military publication. However, new Merkava Mark IIIs continued to be produced until 2003. The first Merkava IVs were in production in limited numbers by the end of 2004. • Ignore tags: Ukraine Ukrainian forces military conflict Donetsk Luhansk Republic Putin Obama Poroshenko Russia Russian Army Russian Military Power Strong Special Force Forced Air Airborne troops NAVY Marines helicopter MIG 29 SU T-70 T-72 T-90 Kalashnikov AK-74 AK47 SVD guns tank panzer truck submarine war warrior conflict fire BMP BMD VDV USA China Korea Germany Poland Ukraine Serbi
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