Wood cabin stone fireplace build

Thanks to all the viewers for their comments and advices after the first version of the fireplace. I learnt a lot building it and after all your nice comments. I tried to rebuild this fireplace considering all the advices I could gather. Some of you guys commented that it didn’t make any sense to build the fireplace outside the cabin. Well, there are some reasons for that. First, I have not enough space inside the cabin for such a block of stone and mud. Also, should I built it inside, I would have to make a hole to the shingle roof, and then I would have to waterproof that. Here, where the cabin is, rain is the major weather issue; it rains every three days on average (I’m pretty amazed that the cabin is not rotten yet!). And second, here cold is not really and issue. Average minimum temperature from December to March are 7-8ºC. SO I’m OK with the fireplace outside. Another popular comment has been that the fireplace was not firesafe as it was. Lot of you gays have been wo
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