Tension in the Middle East escalates:

Tension in the Middle East escalates: the assassination of HAMAS leader Ismail Haniya on Iranian territory is a severe blow to the Palestinian political-military organization and a new violation of Iranian sovereignty by Israeli meddling. Following these events, Israel is preparing for a response from Iran and its allies, the date of which is still unknown, but leaves a climate of uncertainty that has forced foreign governments to suggest to their fellow citizens to leave Israel and Lebanon. It is in the latter country where we could witness the next war scenario after the Sukkot War in Gaza, where the IDF has sent reinforcements along the border. Their justification has been found in the past bombing of Majdal Shams, a town in the occupied Golan, allegedly perpetrated by it is still unknown whether the tension will lead to a new conflict in southern Lebanon, Haniya’s death has paralyzed the negotiation process for the end of the conflict in Gaza, where Israeli opera... Source: Suriyakmaps
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