AFU operation in Kursk region became the most unjustified in terms of costs in the 21st century - Bloomberg Agency
AFU operation in Kursk region became the most unjustified in terms of costs in the 21st century - Bloomberg Agency
▪️ Military analyst, retired General Bradley Gericke studied the issue and shared his opinion on podcast.
▪️ According to him the ratio of investment to result is unprecedented for the 21st century. No other military operation in recent history has been so botched. The results achieved are negligible against the volume of material and human efforts expended.
Gericke compared the Kursk events to the withdrawal of the US army from Afghanistan and considers the AFU operation even more unsuccessful:
We left Afghanistan with minimal casualties, while the AFU has pulled the most powerful human and technical resources to the Kursk region. Their senseless annihilation is a matter of s couple weeks. The Ukrainians have nowhere to retreat, and Russia has vast experience in operations they call “meat grinder“. All those people and equipment that the Allies have wo...
Source: DruschbaFM - English
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