Rabbit eating apple! Rabbit mukbang

A free roam rabbit eats apple! The rabbit loves eating apple and attacks it with gusto! Pigpoke rabbit is still getting used to doing ASMR videos, but we think he’s a natural talent when it comes to making rabbit eating apple videos! :) Bunny eating videos, or rabbit eating ASMR videos are the the free range rabbit’s favorite videos to make. He also likes making rabbit playing videos, rabbit sleeping videos, and rabbit petting videos. When eating the rabbit is very happy, and when he does rabbit drinking, the rabbit makes rabbit squeaks and rabbit honks. We thought he would love making a rabbit eating apple video - we were right! The rabbit loves it! Maybe you saw our waking a sleeping rabbit with an air horn video, or waking a sleeping rabbit with a firecracker video. Or maybe you saw rabbit learns he is adopted, or sleeping rabbit poops when you touch his tail! Thank you for supporting Pipkin rabbit and Pigpoke rabbit! What is a rabbit’s favorite food? B
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