Naruto Shippuden Sad Songs - Naruto Sad Soundtrack Collection [COMPLETE]
Naruto Shippuden Sad Songs - Naruto Sad Soundtrack Collection [COMPLETE]
00:00 Dispear
01:56 Sadness and Sorrow
05:51 Light of a firefly
07:31 Young Obito Death theme 2 versions
10:55 Saika
13:04 After Glow
15:39 Man of the world
19:30 Decision
21:43 God’s Decision
22:44 Sirohae
27:26 Student affection to a teacher
30:36 Crimson
32:52 Swaying Necklace
34:44 Kourin
36:01 Byakuya
37:26 Nightfall
39:01 Evening Calm
42:20 Naruto and Hinata
46:17 Nakama
48:11 Scene of disaster
50:09 Tragic
52:33 Maisou
57:49 Guren theme
01:01:35 Loneliness
01:03:38 Hinata vs Neji
01:06:46 Determination
01:08:40 Kimimaro/Choji theme
01:12:16 Rain from a cloudless sky
01:14:29 Ochihabune
01:16:36 Samidare
01:19:57 Experienced many battles
01:21:43 The guts to enver give up