Hampstead Heath Fairground (1920-1939)

Hampstead Heath Fairground, London. Much great footage of funfair rides. Speed keeps changing to super-fast; as a sort of trick film joke. Opens w/ roundabout: shot from below of young men & women spinning round in individual seats hanging on long chains from a central thing like upside-down hat. As it turns the swings are lifted up & out by centrifugal force. Then great shot that stays on 2 young women as they spin around; the cameraman must have been in a swing himself. General view looking down hill toward the fairgrounds w/ tents; rides; crowds coming & going. Suddenly speeds up; people scurrying about. CU Man wearing mortar board in fruit drink stand squirting flavours in cups; serving customers. CU Boy eating something - sweets (?). Regular speed again. Next; another attraction - helter skelter slide; crowd at bottom. Wide shot looking out over fairgrounds with merry-go-round / carousel in centre. Then same; high speed. Regular speed shot of swing roundabout as in first shot but this time
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