Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Custom Game: WARCRAFT THEFT AUTO

Will private message to any willing beta testers the current map version if i can get 500 SUBSCRIBERS but youtube has suppressed my subscriber count and i stopped gaining new subs long ago so it DEPENDS ON YOU THE VIEWER TO HELP ME ACHEIVE THIS GOAL! 2022 JULY UPDATE: its been over a year and as hype built up for this project i decided to perfect it as best i could over time into a full game that is still not released yet the missions are almost finished and ofcourse theres alot more i would love to do i still post videos on warcraft theft auto frequently and will answer any questions referring to the project but i just want to say SHOUT OUT TO ALL THE MODEL MAKERS AT HIVENETWORK! THIS WOULDNT BE POSSIBLE without all their model makers efforts of producing and leaving behind all the cars and buildings since 04! This is my gift to the ones who are still alive with us today, the model makers are the true gods and all the car models i produced are merely my own variations, also everyone who ever
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