Easy Crochet Leaves BackPack Tutorial

Happy new year everyone!!!! Here is a New Tutorial for you, I can not get enough of the embossed Leaves lately, and the unions of a Backpack design and the beautiful leaves is a match made inn heaven. Happy Crochet to all xoxoxoxoxoxox Here is to a Happy Crochet year for all Yarn: 3 skeins of Loops and Threads Impeccable in Forest Crochet hook: and 5 mm hildie & jo Findings Split Ring Metal 12mm Silver: #q=metal rings&start=1 Substitution yarns: CARON Jumbo BIG TWIST YARNS Value PHENTEX Worsted HERRSCHNERS Worsted 8 BERNAT Super Value ALIZE Barcum Batik I cords Tutorial: Fenteer 3X Knitting Handmade Crochet DIY Bags Pad Shaper Bottom Mat Pet Bag Cushion: =ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o
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