“My Sinful Soul“ / Душа моя прегрешная

“My Sinful Soul“ Sung here by the Male Ensemble of Sacred Music “The Ark“ Solois:t Vitaly Lapin Artistic Director: Maxim Telnov Northern Russian Spiritual verse Mужской ансамбль духовной музыки “Ковчег“ солист Виталий Лапин художественный руководитель Максим Тельнов Cеверный духовный стих My sinful soul, why don’t you weep? You shall weep, o soul, and lament always, and therein shall you find consolation, for you won’t be able to weep when the death comes, and after death your sins will condemn you. Cast away your sinful attire in repentance, for if you won’t cast your sins away, you surely won’t escape the hell. The sufferers wear crowns on their heads and they sing the song of the Archangels: hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
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