How to make a macrame earrings DIY #13 | A bunch of leaves macrame hoop earrings by Thao handmade

Hi everyone! Welcome to Thaohandmade channel. How to make a macrame earrings DIY | A bunch of leaves macrame hoop earrings by Thao handmade Today’s video is another earrings pattern. How to make a macrame hoop earrings DIY? Let’s make a bunch of leaves macrame hoop earrings Hope you guys will love it! If you like this video, please dont hesitate to like and subcribe our channel: #Abunchofleavesmacramehoopearrings #thaohandmadechannel #HowtomakeamacramehoopearringsDIY ~~Roa Music~~ ▶YouTube ▶Spotify ▶Soundcloud
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