Leningrad- Nevsky Pyatachok (Nevsky Piglet ) 1941-1943- Битва за Ленинград

Help the channel All photos from my collection and my books. Nevsky Piglet (Nevsky Pyatachok) is a symbolic designation of a bridgehead on the left (eastern) bank of the Neva opposite Nevskaya Dubrovka, held by the Soviet troops of the Leningrad Front (from 09/19/1941 to 04/29/1942 and from 09/26/1942 to 02/17/1943) during the battle for Leningrad. From this bridgehead, Soviet troops repeatedly tried to launch an offensive on Mgu and Sinyavino towards the troops that were striking from the east, and thereby break through the blockade of Leningrad. Despite the fact that all attempts to expand the bridgehead and develop the offensive ended unsuccessfully, the Nevsky Piglet became one of the symbols of courage, heroism and self-sacrifice of Soviet soldiers. Невский пятачок — условное обозначение плацдарма на левом (восточном) берегу Невы напротив Невской Дубровки, удерживаемого советскими войсками Ленинградского фронта (с по и с по 17
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