The 2000 election maybe ancient history to some but it is still a sore subject for Sam. Ralph Nader often gets blamed, fairly or unfairly, for Al Gore’s loss to George W. Bush. But one thing is clear, he made a promise to Sam and he broke it.
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Sam: Squirts for Crowder. As an avid listener of both Majority Report and the Ralph Nader Radio Hour, I believe you could have a really interesting conversation on cancel culture together. Please and thank you. Really?
Matt: I feel like talking about something else.
Sam: the Tim caucus. why does he is he a big cancel culture warrior?
Matt: I haven’t it’s been a while since I’ve listened to the ralph Nader radio. But I would think I even I don’t know that might be a joke. but I would think that you know we could have a similar conversation when you had today with him.
Sam: that might be that would be more interesting to me then. but it is hard for me to sort of getting over it. I mean he made a promise that he wouldn’t regardless of your belief in ralph Nader’s you know impact on the 2000 election he made a promise to me as a supporter or my support was in part conditioned upon him saying he wasn’t going to run in contested states. I don’t know what would have happened in Florida if Ralph Nader hadn’t run. I don’t know what happened if there were no butterfly ballots. I don’t know what happened if the supreme court was you know legit. but you know I know that he said he wasn’t going to run in contestant states.
Matt: interesting like the cancel culture of his day though was if I remember that’s right the auto industry trying to entrap him into prostitution and remember that story? I don’t know if I remember that he like tried to and he wasn’t interested apparently.
Sam: I believe that the Tim caucus how do unions fit into this dynamic of outside advocacy? well I mean I think look I it depends on whose perspective you have. I do not believe there should not be outside advocacy. I believe there should be more outside advocacy for people who are advocating for positions that I am in favor of. I mean you know like there’s no like I just think imposing broad principles on these things is not an effective way to win. I don’t think there’s any merit to the idea that there shouldn’t be outside advocacy for you know in and of itself for entities that have you know this amount of money or more. you know like if I thought and where I think you know close to there if I thought if you know if someone came and offered me like no entity that has that can marshall you know x number of dollars is allowed to lobby the government. and we have a strict regime to maintain this. and that means no corporations are going to be able to do it but also no unions. I might take that deal. you know this is completely hypothetical. I’m just saying like I might take that deal. if I looked at the numbers and said on balanced the lack of corporate lobbying the absence of that even if it means the absence of union lobbying is going to get us into a better place. I’d take that deal. you really I have no you know like it’s by saying like you know where does this leave union advocacy. it’s some of the same things as big government. like I don’t care about big government or small government that’s meaningless. our government is big because our country is big. And we need the government to do things in my opinion and that may involve expending more money. in some instances. it may involve taxing specific people more. not necessarily even to get the money but to inhibit wealth disparity. I’m looking at outcomes. and what’s going to get me to those outcomes. and I think that you know you got to be careful with your rhetoric about government. that’s why I feel more comfortable saying the administration. as opposed to the government. The government again is an apparatus. who gets to run that apparatus dictates how it’s going to operate.
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