“Как узнать испытывает ли вас Бог или наказывает?” СМЦ// How To Tell If You Are Being Tested or Punished By God? SMC
Речь известного и достопочтенного Шейха Саида Нурджана Мирахмади (с русскими субтитрами) о том, как понять является ли Ваша беда испытанием или наказанием? Почему с нами случаются неприятности, каким образом можно поскорее понять свои ошибки и исправить их, чтобы разрешить возникшие трудности?
Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (Q) teaches the immense teaching of learning to connect the heart to reality and taking an account of ones self and ones actions in the face of testing’s and difficulties in life. When we’re doing our spiritual practices and taking a way of contemplation we are able to see the reality of why theses difficulties are coming, why this is happening. When the servant has that character and has that understanding, every test comes and draws the servant closer to the Divinely Presence. However when you’re not meditating, when you’re not contemplating, you view the world as just a series of punishments. Allah (AJ) doesn’t test His servant to fail them, but they only fail when don’t have the tools and they didn’t take the precautions that were necessary.
Recorded : 20210219
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