EmberGen Tutorial: Simulating Twisters & Tornadoes

We’re going to revisit EmberGen’s Particle Emitter in this tutorial, and we’ll be using it to create a twister smashing through a barn. Bring your own flying cow. We’ll learn how useful frozen particle setups can be for creating neat debris and destruction effects, pick up a couple neat tricks for particle visibility. Then you’ll learn how to also easily animate the positions of multiple forces at once. You can download our preset files here - And while you could import any model you like, you can find the same 3D mesh we used for our barn here [created by Michael Lohr] - Chapters: 00:19 - Preparing Your Scene 01:01 - Particle Emitter / Ground 01:27 - The Line Force 02:07 - Working With Frozen Particles 03:01 - Adjusting Your Forces 03:34 - Tip - Velocity Dissipation 04:38 - Debris Emitter! 05:59 - Tip - Using Color Modulation 07:35 - Adding a Secondary Line Force 08:40 - Rebalancing Forces 09:15 - Shading The Debris 09:44 - Adjusting Debris Physics Values 10:30 - Adjusting Particle Render Shape 11:14 - The Optional Core Emitter 13:56 - Become A Twister Wrangler 14:57 - Tip - The Empty Import Node 16:59 - Add some detail with Vorticity 18:27 - An Experiment 21:22 - Recap
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