SHOWBIZ: Hollywood stars join parade of floats (1938)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Monster parade of film stars in illuminated floats concludes convention. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Stars on the wagon USA: Los Angeles: Night scenes. Gen. view of illuminations. Long view California flat. Front view girls on float. Long & front views ’Men with Wings’ airplane float. Long view Harold Lloyd float. Semi view Martha Raye & Dorothy Lamour. Semi view Harold Lloyd at mike. Semi view Alice Faye & Tony Martin. Semi CU Clark Gable. Semi view Charlie McCarthy & Mary Pickford. Semi CU John Barrymore & bride Elaine. United States of America; Personalities - Performers Background: Monster parade of film stars in illuminated floats concludes convention. FILM ID: VLVA34OF60D34ZY1HFFNXSRV43XBX To license this film, visit
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