Day 4: Knock Out Your Power Yoga and HIIT Workout With This 30-Minute Fusion

Join fitness trainer Christa Janine for a 30-minute HIIT Flow routine that combines power yoga and HIIT circuit training. In this routine, you’ll warm up with yoga moves like Child’s Pose, Cat Cow, Downward Dog, Mountain Pose, and more. Get ready to activate your core, wake up your body, and release your neck before increasing the intensity of the workout. The HIIT portion of the workout includes moves like bicep curls, hammer-curl hinge triceps kickbacks, plié squats, and more. Grab your mat, and prepare to pull out two light and two medium dumbbells for an added challenge! Find more from Janine on her Instagram: Check out the other videos in our 10-Day Summer Self-Care Challenge!
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