[adult swim] – Christmas With DOOM | 2006 | Full Episodes with Commercials

Who needs some old fat guy in a smelly red suit when you can have a Christmas With DOOM on [adult swim]? Come on and watch some Yuletide toons with the supervillain MF DOOM. This is a compilation video I put together using footage of commercials and episodes from shows that played on at night (from ten at night to two, and then repeating until six) on Cartoon Network’s [adult swim] block in 2006, inspired primarily by their Christmas with DOOM schedule from December 24th, 2006. Many shows (like Futurama, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Squidbillies, and The Oblongs to name a very few) can’t be used for copyright reasons. These shows were substituted with other great shows that played on [adult swim] around the same time. Think of it as a retro remix or a bootleg late night broadcast. This is the ninety-first video I’ve made like this, the twenty-third video I’ve done on Cartoon Network, the sixth I’ve made on [adult swim], and the fourteenth holiday video. This is a follow-up to another [adult swim] Christmas video I made two weeks ago for the year 2003. While quite a few shows from 2006 [adult swim] simply weren’t possible to include due to copyright concerns, I’m genuinely surprised by what I was allowed to include. I would have thought shows like Boondocks and Tom Goes to the Mayor would be blocked, but they weren’t, so go figure. I kept the bumpers pretty much intact, meaning MF DOOM will sometimes announce the wrong show, simply because I thought it’d be funnier. So don’t be too disappointed that you don’t get to see some front butt on the Squidbillies. Instead of an episode of The Brak Show, I included Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak (which was a special that predates The Brak Show) because there are only so many The Brak Show episodes that aren’t blocked on Youtube and because it felt very fitting somehow. And finally Christmas at Pee Wee’s Playhouse is one of my favorite Christmas specials, so I’m glad I was able to include it in this video. Well, I enjoyed making this video. I hope you enjoy watching it. Merry Christmas! Disclaimer: I do not make any money or ask/accept any donations for these videos. I make them in my free time as a hobby, out of a love for old television, and because they’re the kinds of videos I would like to be able to watch on Youtube. If you see Youtube ads (not commercials) on this video, that’s because this video was copyright claimed by a variety of different companies, who chose to run ads on my video for their own profit. I also do not make these videos for children, but for adults like myself who are nostalgic for their childhoods. If the comments are disabled on this video or another like it, it’s because Youtube set it as “for children.“ And that’s the end of that disclaimer. Here is a playlist of Saturday morning cartoons (and other similar broadcasts) videos I’ve made: If you enjoy this video, here are other projects I work on that you might be interested in. Bootleg Goosebumps Episodes: Power Rangers Star Clash: ⏪ TV GUIDE ⏪ 00:00:00 Intro 00:01:02 Boondocks 00:31:02 Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak 01:01:02 Home Movies 01:31:02 Mission Hill 02:01:02 Super Milk Chan 02:31:02 Moral Orel 02:46:02 Tom Goes to the Mayor 03:01:02 Christmas at Pee Wee’s Playhouse 📺 EPISODE GUIDE 📺 Boondocks - S01E07 - A Huey Freeman Christmas Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak - Part 2 Home Movies - S04E03 - Bye Bye Greasy Mission Hill - S01E11 - Stories of Hope and Forgiveness (or Day of the Jackass) Super Milk Chan - S01E04 - What the Duck? Moral Orel - S01E10 - The Best Christmas Ever Tom Goes to the Mayor - S01E05 - Rats Off to Ya Christmas at Pee Wee’s Playhouse #AdultSwim #CartoonNetwork #Bootleg
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