Starting Air System of Marine Diesel Engine Explained

#startingair #startair #marineengine The video shows the line diagram for starting Air System of Marine Diesel Engine (Sulzer / Wartsila Engine), which comprises of – air bottle to provide 30 starting air, pilot valve to start the operation, turning gear interlock, automatic air start valve, air distributor, and cylinder head starting air valve. Air supply is provided by opening the main air bottle valve. As the valve is opened, the air is passed through the pilot valve and acts on top of the automatic start valve, providing a positive closing. The other branch supplies air until the turning gear interlock as the interlock blocks the air to go further. To start the main engine, first turning gear has to be disengaged. This will deactivate the interlock and the air will be supplied to the automatic start air valve. Since there is a spring pressure and additional positive closing by the air supplied pilot valve, the air will not go further automatic start valve until the start command is given. When the air start lever is operated in the ECR, the pilot valve shifts and blocks the air on top of the automatic valve. It vents the line and there is no more positive closing. Ever overhauled starting air system? Please post suggestions or queries in the comment section.
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