Prayer To Root Out From Your Life - EVIL SEED - Onaola Owolabi

Prayer to root out from your life, EVIL SEED sow by ancestral power, parental spirit. Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. By their fruit we shall know them. A tree that does not bring out good fruit shall be cut off. This video was broadcast by Owolabi Onaola of Midnight Prayer Point Hours For more prayer visit: Also Click on Subscribe and Notification for more prayer Call: 234 8054983382 Whatsapp: 234 8099448546 Email: onasowo2002@ “Prayer is the master key and a close mouth is a close destiny”. God Bless you in Jesus name. Amen Click on Subscribe and Notification for more prayer. SHARE THE VIDEO with family member, friends, working place, church, to evangelise note everybody needs prayer
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