Dimash Qudaibergen - “When I’ve got you“ OFFICIAL MV
A new music video for the song “WHEN I’VE GOT YOU“ by Dimash Qudaibergen. Surrounded by a veil of mystery, attracted by the unexpected image of the main character and mysterious plot - the story will not leave the viewer indifferent.
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The premiere took place on February 26 at Dimash’s press conference in Istanbul, dedicated to his solo concert on May 24, 2024.
DimashAli LLP
General Producer: Kanat Aitbayev
Authors of the idea: Dimash Qudaibergen, Galym Assylov
Composer: Dimash Qudaibergen
Lyrics: Candice Kelly, Dmytro Gordon
Project coordinator: Nurbol Basherov
Script: Iskander Yerbolat
Music Producers: Dimash Qudaibergen, Dmytro Gordon
Arranger: Dmytro Gordon
Orchestrator: Dmytro Gordon
Piano: Dmytro Gordon
Guitar: Abik Jeksen
Mixing engineer: Mike Horner
Mastering engineer: Dick Beetham
Make-up & hairstylist: Ming Xu
Cast: Dimash Qudaibergen
Polina Guzieva
Manuel de Jesús Sánchez Sotolongo
Angelin Sapozhnikova
Valeriya Lyasheva
Andreana Tkachenko
Maria Aristarkhova
Lilia Kiser
Alina Klinyushina
Director: Galym Assylov
DOP: Bakhytbek Samikh
Gaffer: Didar Zhailaubay
1-st AD: Zhanibek Gusman
Casting: Aiman Zhamagatova
Electricians: Adylet Zhetpysbaev, Abzal Bakbergen, Saken Sadyqbek
Bolt operator: Alexandr Kovalevsky
Bolt technician: Essen Syrlybaev
Bolt technician: Adil Ilmahunov
Camera technician: Ilhom Arhipov
Dolly technician: Alexandr Gura
Playback DIT: Eldar Dzhabrailov, Nurken Kalel
Playback technician: Ziiavutdin Kadiyev
Hair Artist: Zhadra Nurbavlieva
Make-up artist: Amina Kozhakhmetova
Make-up artist assistant: Shahida Mukhatayeva
Other actors shapes: Zhansaya Pak
Dresser: Bagdat Zhanatkyzy
Art department:
Anton Yakushevskiy
Yelzhas Moldakhanov
Nurbakhyt Janayev
Nursultan Sharakyn
Botaqoz Assanbayeva
Choreographer: Daulet Muratpekov
Colorist: Daniel Bayandin
VFX: Rustam Utarshin, Abdurahman Sabyr
Administration department: Gumyr Omar, Dauren Erzhanuly
Craft service:
Suhrap Tairov
Aigerim Ahmetova
Meruert Bekbaeva
Driver: Ulan Kuatov
Our partners: “Skif Trade“ LLP (SMALL supermarkets chain)
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