01) [00:00] My Motherland / 어머니 내 조국 / Родина-Мать
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Hyon Song Wol
02) [03:21] O Larches in the Paektu Native Place / 백두고향 이깔나무야 / Лиственницы близ горы Пэкту
Female chorus
03) [06:20] The Mountain Where Spring Begins / 봄이 오는 산 / Гора, на которой начинается весна
Female solo - Hyon Song Wol
04) [09:03] February Waltz / 2월 원무곡 / Февральский вальс
Female chorus
05) [11:40] Song of Trust / 믿음의 노래 / Песня доверия
Female trio
06) [15:44] Girls Whispered / 처녀들은 속삭이였네 / Девушки шептали
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Hyon Song Wol
07) [18:10] When Can I See Him? / 언제면 그 언제면 / Когда смогу его увидеть?
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Ri Pun Hui
08) [20:51] The Broad Expanse of Taehongdan /대홍단 삼천리 / Необъятные просторы Тэхондана
Synthesizer music. Arrangement and performance by Ri Hye Ryon
09) [28:13] O the Tuman River, a River of My Country / 두만강 내 조국의 강이여 / O, река Туман, река моей страны
Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Ri Pun Hui
10) [32:19] Motherland is the Dear Home of My Life / 조국은 내 삶의 정든 집 / Родина - дорогой дом моей жизни
Male duet and chorus behind the stage - Hong Kyong Hun, Ryom Myong Il
11) [37:03] If You Ask me to Sing the Motherland / 나에게 조국을 노래하라면 / Если ты меня попросишь Родину воспеть
Female duet - Kim Jong Nyo, Kim Un Suk
12) [39:53] I’ll Follow Him All My Life / 내 한생 따르리 / Буду следовать за ним всю жизнь
Female solo - Hyon Song Wol
13) [43:56] Reunification of the Country by Our Nation Itself / 통일은 우리 민족끼리 / Воссоединение страны усилиями нации
Female trio and chorus behind the stage
14) [47:05] O Korea Shining Throughout the World / 온 세상에 빛나는 조선아 / О Корея, сияющая на весь мир
Mixed chorus
Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble Vol. 152
보천보전자악단 제152집
Ансамбль электронной музыки Почхонбо. Альбом №152
NOTE - It is not original copy from the CD. It is the result of searching of the songs on the web (according the information from the catalogue). Sorry for bad quality of several tracks
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