UFOs - The Famous 5 OBSERVABLES : What are They and What might They mean ? πŸ‘½

When Luis Elizondo ran the Defense Department initiative, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP, he compiled a list of extraordinary, logic-defying capabilities most commonly associated with unidentified aerial phenomena sightings. He calls those traits the β€œfive observables”. 0:00:00 – Start 0:00:38 – Intro 0:01:58 – 1) Anti-gravity lift 0:02:26 – 2) Sudden and instantaneous acceleration 0:03:35 – 3) Hypersonic velocities without signatures 0:03:54 – 4) Low observability, or cloaking 0:04:16 – 5) Trans-medium travel 0:05:01 – Conclusion There’s more to say, more to explore together and we invite you now to join this new journey with us on Section 51 ! Subscribe now !
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