Cuban Salsa Online Lessons by Lisandra Garcia #SalsaCubana

ENROLLMENT Until December 18 Via WhatsApp: If you want to learn my #style at your convenience, from anywhere in the #world. I recommend these pre-recorded courses. VIA #ZOOM. 3 MONTH to learn with Lisandra Garcia Escuela de Baile “A Lo Cubano“ There is everything you need! ️ #Movements ️ #Techniques ️ #Tips ️Step. Salsa. #Mambo. #Rumba. Son. #Afro. #Chachacha, etc...! More info 7922 528 77 42. Lessons in English. All LEVELS. #Son #Changui #Salsa #LisandraGarcia #Alocubano #Niquibestia #SalsaMusic #Cuba #LadyStyle #salsacubana #sonmoderno #lisandragarcia #ladystyle #salsalessons #cubandance #cubansalsa #cubansalsa #sonmoderno #salsacommunity #timba #salsa online #rumba #bodymovement
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