Life of Shinran Shonin, the Founder of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism
Life of Shinran Shonin, the Founder of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism in Japan
This is a good movie depicting Shinran’s life and a good introduction in his teachings.
Still, beginners might meet with a difficulty in understanding what Shinran wants to say at minute 1:29:40 in the movie. The same words are recorded in Tannisho and I explain them in my book The Path of Acceptance -- Commentary on Tannisho. Please read the passage and my explanations bellow:
“I have no idea whether the nembutsu is truly the seed for my being born in the Pure Land or whether it is the karmic act for which I must fall into hell. Should I have been deceived by Master Honen and, saying the nembutsu, were to fall into hell, even then I would have no regrets. The reason is, if I could attain Buddhahood by endeavoring in other practices, but said the nembutsu and so fell into hell, then I would feel regret at having been deceived. But I am incapable of any other practice, so hell is decidedly my abode whatever I do.“