BF vs Hex Electric Fight (Friday Night Funkin’ Animation)

Slightly more detailed plot explanation: After leaving the Updike facility to go to the park, Boyfriend and Girlfriend stumble upon Whitty’s friend, Hex! Seeing that he’s friendly, BF takes upon his offer to rap-battle him instead of fighting him.... Until... that Weekend, Hex got hacked and taken over by a notable underworld media company who are aiming to take down The Dearest company. BF stands up to fight the hackers out of Hex’s body along with Carol and Whitty who got up from the crowd. Sunday, who was also already there for the concert was told by Carol to stay in the crowd because she wouldn’t have been able to survive the fight as a normal human. The real Hex was put inside one of Updike’s robots which was teleported by Girlfriend, and also agrees to fight. The Demons accept this offer gladly and corrupt Hex’s body further, making him stronger and capable to shoot high voltage electricity. They aim to boost their reputation by soloing Girlfriend and 4 of her friends, wh
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