In this episode, we wake up the Sleeping Forest to open our way to the City of the Ancients.
Here’s the website with the information I used to find the Lunar Harp.
The following are the Enemy Skills that I will learn for my new materia before the next episode. I’ll learn Aqualung, Trine, & Laser later.
Matra Magic (Custom Sweeper, Midgar)
L4 Suicide (Mu, Chocobo Ranch)
Chocobuckle (Chocobo, Chocobo Ranch)
Beta (Midgar Zolom, Midgar Swamp)
White Wind (Zemzelett, Junon)
Flame Thrower (Ark Dragon, Mithril Mine)
Big Guard (Beachplug, Costa Del Sol Beach)
Frog Song (Touch Me,
... Gongaga Forest)
???? (Jersey, Shinra Mansion)
Death Force (Adamantaimai, Wutai Beach)
Magic Hammer (Razor Weed, Wutai)
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