Message from SIRIUS | Sirius Gateway 2021 | Starseeds

Message from SIRIUS. In this period we are reconnecting with our spiritual Sun, the Blue Star of Sirius. The Sirius Gateway that is open right now can assist us in remembering more of who we are, to see all the rolls that we have played here on Earth, through which we can better understand our future. The energies are getting more intense as the Solar Flares are sending us the new code, preparing us for the Lion’s Gate Portal of 2021. The Portal 8-8 is almost here. The forces of Light have reached a critical point in their journey here on Earth. Many of you were called ages ago to participate in the great plan that shall liberate mankind from the shackles of the illusion you call Fear. Great being of light came to this world to assist mankind in the preservation of the ancient wisdom. You have explored this path in many lifetimes throughout your earth history, and NOW you have reached a critical point in your collective evolution as a species, which will bring forth the New Earth.
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