Amen The Hidden God

AMEN - The Ancient of Days The primordial Egyptian God, whose name means “the hidden one”, as the driving force of the invisible breeze he was origninally a God of wind and ruler of the air. During the 11th dynasty (2133-2000 BC) he became the powerful Sun-God of Thebes, where he was worshipped as Amun-Re. Later he was made the supreme God of the entire realm and king of the Gods. In the Ogdoad of Hermopolis he forms a pair with the mother-Goddess Amaunet. From his union with the Goddess Mut came forth the moon-God Chons, Amun’s symbol is the RAM. He is portrayed as a RAM, as a man with a RAM’s head, or with a beard and feathered crown. Temples dedicated to him are situated as Karnak and Deir-el-Bahari (near Luxor). In Greece he was worshipped as Ammon. AMEN is represented in Five Forms:
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