1899 год. Термовоздушный двигатель Генри. 1/60 лошадиная сила.
This is a Hot Air or Stirling engine and it its patent dates it at 1899 which was the first or second year of production for this style of Heinrici engine. It can be run on any fuel and doesn’t works on the expansion and contraction of air to create differences in pressure in the displacer/cylinder. I’m sure you will find out a little better by looking at some other you tube videos.
This is an original engine and not a replica/reproduction, all of the components are believed to be original. These engines have virtually no HP or torque and could be stopped with your fingers. They were mostly used to power really light small gas/air pumps just to circulate gas.
Это термовоздушный двигатель или двигатель Стирлинга и дата его патента - 1899 год, который был первым или вторым годом производства для этого стиля двигателя Генри. Он может работать на любом топливе, и не работает на расширении и сжатии воздуха для создания р
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