End spaghetti code! Learn the tools you need to write scalable, well-structured, clean code. So many game developers are forced to scrap their ambitious Unity games because they don’t know these tips. As a young, self taught game developer, I didn’t discover these tools and techniques for years. Hopefully this video will help you to skip the learning curve and expose you to some of the more advanced programming devices that don’t get enough attention from the plethora of beginner Unity tutorials.
00:00 - Intro
01:12 - Variable Names
02:11 - Comments
02:58 - Encapsulate in Functions
03:36 - Plan Your Code
03:57 - C# Properties
04:38 - Serialize Field
05:02 - Component Architecture
06:00 - Enums
06:25 - Coroutines
07:32 - Invoke/Invoke Repeating
08:03 - Structs
08:50 - Singletons
10:38 - C# Events
12:34 - Unity Events
12:56 - Interfaces
14:34 - Inheritance
17:50 - Scriptable Objects
19:15 - Custom Editor Tools
20:25 - Use Vers
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