The Freemasons and the Royal Family - Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim Welcomes John Hawkins

The Freemasons and the Royal Family - Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim Welcomes John Hawkins... The Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim has welcomed an honoured visit from the Masonic Prestonian Lecturer for 2022, John Hawkins, who shared his knowledge on Freemasonry and the Royal Family. The connection between the Royal family and Freemasonry has been a popular topic of masonic research for over 100 years, and now, alongside the lecture, a detailed book has also been written entitled The Royal Family and Freemasonry, by John Hawkins, Freemason, independent researcher and author. The Prestonian Lecturer is a prestigious role held by an appointed Freemason under the authority of the United Grand Lodge of England. William Preston (1742-1818), regarded as the foremost Masonic educator of his time, left a legacy to provide for an Annual Lectureship on any chosen subject. The role lasts for one calendar year and has allowed Dr Hawkins, from Kingston upon Thames, to widely research the subject
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