Russians 2022 (Original song by Sting 1985)

“In Europe and Ukraine acts the killer madness of Putin’s hysteria He wants to reposses the Soviet state and use all fakes to legittimate Mr. Putin said “We will bury you“ Ukrainans piss on his point of view it would be such an ignorant thing to do because the Russians love their children too How can we save the Ukraian boys from Putin’s missiles deadly toys there is no democracy and invade the lands it’s a shame to kill people with no defense We have the same biology Europe is the house to live in believe me when I say to you I hope the Russians love their children too There is no historical precedent as Putin is doing in our continent He want to invade a legittimate state it’s a menace that we must face Mr. Biden says we will protect you but Ucrainan people is lonely too believe me when I say to you I hope the Russians love their children too We have the same biology Europe is the
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