Harley “dsn“ Orwall is CPL, E-STARS, IEM, KODE5, ESWC and WEM Counter-Strike World Champion and one of the most titled players in Counter-Strike history. Former player of teams Gamepoint, , , Begrip, Eyeballers and fnatic, he was nominated for “Best Counter-Strike Player of the year“ at eSports Award 2007 and “Best AWP of the Decade“ by in 2009. After more than 9 years of playing professionally and 70 top3 finishes at international tournaments he decided to finish his career in september 2011.
Director: Dmitry “mmd“ Lomonosov
Starring: Harley “dsn“ Orwall
Demohelp: lalabra
Featuring: SK-Gaming, The Titans, Team 3D, team9, EYEballers, mousesports, mTw, NoA, PGS, MYM, Begrip, mibr, NaVi etc.