Modeling a Stylized Chapel in Blender 2.8 - Part 1

In this video-tutorial I show you how to model a stylized building, like a small chapel in Blender 2.8 from a reference image. As a reference I took the chapel called ’Maria Rast’ located in the south of Germany. This is only the first part where we are goingt to model the basic shape, stairs, the door and the windows. In the next one we gone do the roof and the little tower on top of the roof. If you want to follow this video you should have a basic understanding of how to navigate in Blender and how the keyboard shortcuts work. If you having trouble following you can always ask in the comments and I will try to help. If you want to support me you can use one of the following affiliated links (If you order something from amazon after clicking on the links I will get a small percentage of the price without you having extra costs) Amazon US 🇺🇸 ‣ Tablet: ‣ Microphone: Amazon ES 🇪🇸
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