
#Officials A dreadful terrorist act has been committed in the Gaza sector – a hospital was attacked. Hundreds of women, children, and the elderly have become victims of this strike. Several countries have already expressed their protest against such methods of warfare. Donbass, like no one else, understands the full horror of what has happened. For 9 years, our schools, kindergartens, and hospitals have been under fire from Ukrainian artillery. However, the international community prefers not to acknowledge our casualties. Once again, we bear witness to the West applying double standards. It is precisely these double standards that lead to the tragedy. They are the ones that empower Ukrainian neo-Nazis and allow them to kill innocent civilians with impunity. Double standards have no place in international relations. The actions of states should be assessed objectively, based on the principles of equality among nations and impartial analysis of the situation. Senator from the DPR to Russia Natalia Nikonorova Источник: DPR MFA
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