The Secret to Loose Atmospheric Clouds in Acrylics

►► Get my FREE GUIDE - 5 Proven Ways To Loosen Up Your Painting Style Materials in the video: Watercolor paper 300gsm/140lb Acrylic colors: Yellow ochre, Burnt umber, cadmium yellow medium, titanium white, Prussian Blue, ivory black. Masking tape Spray bottle with water Paper towel Various brushes and a painting knife The reason your clouds look awkward is because you think of clouds as physical objects. Let’s look at some ways to fix that and have you painting great clouds today! I love to paint clouds and watch them morph and shift all the time. It’s fascinating how the mood can shift dramatically with the colors and the shapes of clouds. This loose and layered style of painting is perfect for anyone wanting to use acrylic paint in a more watercolor-esque style or make your acrylic painting look more like it was painted with oil colors. Some of the techniques I will
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