[ENG] [A LDF Original Series] Lee Junho EP.2 After Travel

You still use that perfume, right? That’s why I could never change it. [A LDF Original Series] Lee Junho(@이준호 LEE JUNHO) EP.2 After Travel Episode released! Surprise release of behind-the-scenes video photos when the total of two films reach 3 million views, If you’re curious about the main OST? Enjoy ‘After Travel’ in Jukjae’s voice (@적재 JUKJAE Official) Available today 6pm on music website!🎶 (Melon, Genie, Spotify, YouTube Music, FLO, VIBE, Bugs, KakaoMusic) Click the link below now and check out how to get real poster of Lee Junho episode! ☞ #롯데면세점 #LOTTEDUTYFREE #LDF #DutyFree #면세점 #인터넷면세점 #A_LDF_Original_Series #LDF오리지널시리즈 #LDF시리즈 #KDRAMA #LDF_OriginalSeries_LJH #이준호 #LeeJunho Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
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