Bruford - Forever Till Sunday (Rock Goes To College, March 17th, 1979)

‘Forever until Sunday’, as in “it seems forever until Sunday, the last day of a long tour, when I finally get to see the people I love”. Not that I didn’t bond like crazy with Jeff, Allan, and Dave, but it might have stopped short of love. The drum kit at this show, by the way, like all my ever-changing drum kits, was emblematic of the times and indicative of my recent past history. As I’ve said elsewhere, I was “brought up in the days before the heavy marketing of glossy drums, when a ‘kit’ was whatever you thought appropriate to do the job. Mine had had always sprouted unusual noise-making tendrils. Following (Jamie) Muir’s departure from King Crimson, I assigned myself his percussion function and grew two side racks and a rear rack of steel plates, ratchets, blocks, gongs, suspended triangles and a thunder-sheet”. The left-hand rack and the thunder-sheet had fallen by the wayside by the time I arrived at this BBC show, but the remaining instruments were integral to the performance. It wasn’t a pretty kit
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