Made with the support from NZ On Air :)
Keep on Smiling - Graham Candy
Producer - Jinate Ko, Martin Waschkowitsch (Bewake Studios)
Writers - Graham Candy, Jintae Ko
Instruments - Derek Ullenboom
V2 Records / Believe Digital / Crazy Planet Records (World)
Publishing BMG - Crazy Planet Edition
Funded and supported by NZ on Air
Director: Chloë Lewer, Andrea Ariel
Cinematography: Oliver Zimmerman
Production: Ramona Ramona Productions
Truman: Derek Ullenboom
Costume/Set design: Youka Snell
Make-up: Leana Ardeleanu
Flyers: Hagen Scönfeld
Logo: Shiralee Design
Special thanks to Tanja’s Kiezkneipe in Friedrichshain/Berlin x
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