Stop Saying “It’s Raining Cats and Dogs!“

Do we really say “It’s raining cats and dogs“? What are some more useful English idioms about rain? How do we describe light or heavy rain in English? English vocabulary from the video: Useful versions of “Cats and dogs“: “The heavens opened!“ “It’s raining sideways!“ “It’s raining on and off“ Useful English Idioms NOT related to weather, but still include the word “rain“: When it rains, it pours (as) right as rain (take a) Raincheck Rain vocabulary from the video: It’s pouring/pissing/chucking/throwing/bucketing/tipping (it) down It’s coming down Light rain vocabulary “It’s trying to ...rain“ “It’s spitting“ Rubbish grey cloud vocabulary: “It’s overcast“ “It’s gloomy“ “It’s miserable out“ “Those clouds don’t look happy“ Try to use this vocabulary! Choose which items of vocabulary you might use in the future, then make a sentence with it, make that sentence relevant to your life! Write it in the comments or post it on your Instagram and tag me! @papateachme __________________________________________ Get my eBook FULL of worksheets (Including for THIS lesson) by joining my Patreon page: Get EXTRA English Practice AND Support the channel: - Join this channel as a member! - Get custom emoji/Icons/recognition for the live classes! - Improve your English with Audiobooks with a 30 day free trial: __________________________________________ Books I recommend for self-study: I use these books in my classes! Past papers are ALWAYS the way to go! So if you need to prepare for any of these exams: IELTS, CPE, CAE, FCE, TOEIC, TOEFL, these are the BEST books that we teachers use! You’ll also find my recommendations for books to read at any English level! :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make a donation for however much you feel comfortable with: Follow me on Social Media: Instagram: @papateachme Twitter: @papateachme Facebook: Business inquiries: alytheteacher@ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I use these things to make my videos: Camera: Lens: / Microphone: This: and this: Or a lapel mic: Light: Share the lesson with your friends! #LearnEnglish #StudyWithMe #StudyEnglish
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