Sleight of fist, acorn shot, guslinger, fire ramnant, 5 rapiers buyed, rampage, 3k crit. The impossible Ability draft combo. Highest crits in Dota 2. Thanos Snap - One Punch Man!
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#DOTA2 #AbilityDraft #Xmark
Hey guys, X-Mark here. The whole channel idea is to show you some good and sick ability draft builds and games. That’s it. I just like to share with you something i found interesting and funny to play. I’m not that funny or creative. I love Ability Draft and want it to live long and stay cool.
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1 month ago 00:22:19 1
Вафли бывают не только сладкие! 3 соленых рецептов в вафельнице с Татьяной Литвиновой