Latest Developments Speeding Berlin Air Lift. (1948)

No paperwork for this item Helmsteadt, Germany LATEST DEVELOPMENTS SPEEDING BERLIN AIR LIFT. M.S. Helmsteadt railway station, the focal point of communications to Berlin, pan to railway line. M.S. Railway lines & signals. M.S. Wagons waiting in a siding for orders to move off. . Wagons - man chalking Berlin on one of them. (2 shots). M.S. Gates marking entrance to the British zone. M.S. The barriers coming down at the zonal frontier. M.S. Union Jack flag flying. M.S. Police closing gates. M.S. Road in the British zone. M.S. British military policeman & another uniformed man at British frontier post. M.S. British M.P. reading book ’How to Speak Russian.’ C.U. Another uniformed man (maybe Russian) reading at frontier post. M.S. 2 American and 1 British Air Force officers in silhouette against window of control tower of new French airfield which is under construction. . Air Force officer. . American officer. C.U: U.S. Officer pointing out air lift routes on map. C.U. Hand pointing out ro
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