Chongbong Band - We will follow our Party forever-We cannot live without Him

我が党に永遠に従おう /우리 당 영원히 따르리/ We will follow our Party forever Lyrics: Cha Ho Gun / 차호근 Composition: Kim Un Ryong / 김운룡 2015 あなたなしでは生きられない / 그이 없인 못살아 / We cannot live without Him Lyrics: Cha Ho Gun / 차호근 Composition: Kim Un Ryong / 김운룡 2013 *Korean, English, Russian, Japanese subtitles. *朝鮮語、英語、ロシア語、日本語字幕 *English subtitles are provided by Moranbong Band HD. *Russian subtitles are added by AVG67. Concert theme: Concert series for the day of the shining star Place: Ponghwa Art Theatre () ★参考 【Stereo, ENG, 日本語】我が党に永遠に従おう /우리 당 영원히 따르리/ We will follow our Party forever • 【Stereo】我が党に永遠に従おう /우리 당 영원히 따르리/ We ... Moranbong Band - We cannot live without Him (그이 없인 못살아) • Moranbong Band - We cannot live witho...
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