Aldatmak | Gzide + Tark | holding on and letting go

WATCH IN HD! “Sometimes we’re holding angels And we never even know“ Aldatmak | Güzide Tarık | holding on and letting go So I started “Aldatmak“ and I can’t stop watching it. I have to say that I started this show due to the presence of Vahide, she is just on another level. I love the plot, the idea and the photography of the series, but this series is only going on thanks to her. After the first episode I don’t know what happened to the writers, this should be the story of Güzide, her story as a mother but most important as a woman, and I think the writers have forgotten this last part. They are focusing on the story of Oylum, Ozan and Yeşim, and I’m so tired of just seeing their stories going on. Tarık has already repented, and I didn’t even understand this passage well, I mean it’s clear, but in such a short time? What about Sezai, he seems to be in love with Güzide from the university, however the write
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