Permaculture Instructor Andrew Millison travels to the village of Laporiyah in Rajasthan India to see the 45 year water harvesting and community development project spearheaded by waterman Laxman Singh. We spent 2 days touring the village with Laxman and his team, including well known academic Vishnu Sharma. Vishnu has specialized in the revitalization of Rajasthan during his long career and we were very lucky to have him as Laxman’s interpreter. This village has experienced such an incredible transformation due to the work of the villagers, it is hard to express in one video. For my regular v
...iewers, you will see that this is flat terrain, with very different strategies than the regularly visited hilly locations. Enjoy!
Laxman Singh’s Organization GVNML:
Map Animations:
Oregon State University Online Permaculture Design Course:
Andrew Millison’s links:
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