From 2006, Scott Pelley’s report on the evidence of Global Warming in the arctic. Also from 2006, Pelley’s report on government scientists working on environmental issues who didn’t believe the truth was being told about dangers of global warming. From 2016, Sharyn Alfonsi’s visit to Greenland to see the effects of climate change and sea level rise on glaciers. From 2018, Bill Whitaker’s report on what firefighters saw as a deadly wildfire destroyed the town of Paradise, California. From 2020, Pelley’s report on how temperatures and drought in the West contribute to thousands of fires in Calif
...ornia. Also from 2020, Holly Williams’ report on a massive, deadly bush fire that was threatening wildlife and people in Australia. Also from 2020, John Dickerson’s report on how Venice, Italy, now facing an uncertain future due to climate change. From 2021, Whitaker’s report on the dropping water levels of the Colorado River. From 2021, Lesley Stahl’s story about climate change’s effects on wine regions of the wShow more